Winter Reading Challenge

Winter is long - let's read to help it move quicker! Join us for a winter reading challenge starting February 1 and ending March 19th. Enter a raffle ticket every time you complete a book. You can enter your raffle ticket at the library, call it in by phone, or record online with this link. This challenge is for all people of all ages. There is a small prize for one person from each age group that will be announced on March 20 - the first day of Spring!
This Week at the Library
A Calendar of Events
Monday, March 10
Nifty Knitters 1p
Family Book Club 6p
Tuesday, March 11
Yoga #2 of 4
3rd & 4th gr Book Club
Wednesday, March 12
Knee High Story Time 9a Toe-Tapping Music
K-2 Library Zoo 3:35-4:20p LEGO Club
Thursday, March 13
Computer Cafe 1p Email: Taking Control of It!
Waterways of Change: Women and the Erie Canal 6p
Friday, March 14
Science Fair Prep Group 4p
Movie Night 6p Conclave
Sensory Story Time

by top training experts for busy professionals, educators, and learners.
It helps people stay up-to-date in using technology and
becoming better communicators in the workplace and at home.
Log in to the Tech-Talk Website both username and password are: phillips
check back once a week for new tips
Tech-Talk Basic Tip: Zooming In and Out (Excel and Google Sheets)
Tech-Talk Tip: Finding and Fixing Circular References (Excel and Google Sheets)
Webinar of the Month: Email: Taking Control of it!
Sweet 60 and Up!

Next Week at the Library
A Calendar of Events
Monday, March 17
Nifty Knitters 1p
Board of Trustees Meeting 7p
Tuesday, March 18
Yoga #3 of 4
Wednesday, March 19
Knee High Story Time 9a Spring Time with the Fingerlakes Toy Library immediately following
K-2 Library Zoo 3:35-4:20p Story Time - It's All About the Pictures
Tioughnioga River Writers 6:30p
Thursday, March 20
Sensory Story Time 6p Spring
Friday, March 21
Sweet 60 and Up!
1-2p Introduction to Tai Chi and Qigong
Make your own wooden peg game
2-3p Live Music with Doug Riehlman
Friday, March 21
Science Fair Prep Group 4p
Knee High Story Time
Knee High Story Time meets on Wednesdays at 9 am. This time for toddler and preschool children with their caregivers includes stories, songs, rhymes and an optional craft at the end of the program. Upcoming programs: 3/5 Wild Animals, 3/12 Toe-Tapping Music, 3/19 Spring Time, 3/26 Foods I Like. No registration necessary. For questions email
**If Homer schools have a remote learning day this program will go on as scheduled. If Homer schools are canceled or remote due to weather this program will be canceled.**
Early Literacy Activity Calendar
March 2025

K-2 Library Zoo
K-2 Library Zoo meets on Wednesdays from 3:35-4:20 pm. Each week of the month is a different program. Upcoming programs: 3/5 Book Club, 3/12 LEGO Club, 3/19 Story Time - It's All About the Pictures, 3/26 Science Club. Attend all of the programs or the programs that interest you. No registration necessary (please plan to fill out emergency contact information on the first day). For questions email:
**If Homer schools have a remote learning day this program will go on as scheduled. If Homer schools are canceled or remote due to weather this program will be canceled.**
Points of View Book Club
for Adults
Tuesday, March 25
Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu
Tuesday, April 22
The Berry Pickers by Amanda Peters
Tuesday, May 27
The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride
Email for more information and to register